7 March 2006


Three clear pictures taken during the tense last weekend can summarize the current political situation said Arnaldo Otegi in a Left wing pro-independence press conference yesterday.

In the first one he accused the Spanish state of trying to annihilate Basque political prisoners and pointed at the last two prisoners killings and the recent Spanish Supreme Court's decision on giving life sentences to Basque prisoners. He said that this is not the way to start a conflict resolution process.

In the second picture PNV (Basque Nationalist Party, right wing autonomist) is reflected when through their police brutally attacked funerals and protests. They are afraid of resolution and change Otegi said. They are trying to protect their business and status quo.

In the third picture is the Left Abertzale who showed his compromise with democratic resolution of the conflict but at the same time confronted firmly last week's attacks. Otegi said: "Nobody is going to stop us from paying tribute and giving a decent farewell to our prisoners. We love them and we won't leave them alone. Their are fighters for peace and freedom and our comrades in the struggle for independence and socialism."

To face this hard situation the Left Abertzale is going to keep firmly their positions pushing the democratic conflict resolution process and answering to all attacks strongly and with dignity.

Otegi pointed that it's not true that there weren't deaths in the last three years. It's the Left Abertzale who is paying the price of the brutal states repression with more than 10 activists killed in this period.

Then he called the Basque people to mobilize against the dispersal policy and in favor of the process on this Thursday's strike and protest day.

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