A day like today, 69 years ago the Spanish fascists with the Nazis help bombed Gernika, the Basque liberties symbol town. Hundreds were killed and thousands wounded as a consequence of the first massive air bomb attack against civilians in Human history.
69 years later and despite ETA's cease fire the conflict is still very alive. This is the last couple of days' picture:
Two well known young political activists have been arrested and badly tortured, demonstrations attacked by the police, Spanish Guardia Civil (mixture of army and police) armed members threatened and provoked the population in bars in Leitza, the 18/98 show trial against 60 political activists is in its sixth month while one of the activists dies from a heart attack shortly before his appearance in court, the Basque autonomous police threatened and pointed with guns to two Segi activists, the Spanish Congress rejected a motion against the incommunicado period and protected torture, the Basque autonomous parliament rejected a motion in favor of Political Status for the political prisoners, Batasuna denounces Zapatero's government for taking the wrong way to solve the conflict and add that there are not democratic conditions to start with a conflict resolution process...